Meditation by Nancy Addison


By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP

I have been a regular guest speaker at Parker University. I teach nutrition and “The Healing Diet” for Dr. Michael Hall’s class. Part of my talk concerned stress. I taught them a 3-minute meditation to help them cut down on stress and actually regenerate their own stem cells. They loved it! I teach this to my clients, at my seminars and at my speaking engagements.
Here is a nice quote on meditation that I thought was good. Hope you like it!

“Profound meditation in solitude and silence frequently exalts the mind above its natural tone, fires the imagination, produces the most refined and sublime conceptions. The soul then tastes the purest and most refined delight, and almost loses the idea of existence in the intellectual pleasure it receives. The mind on every motion darts through space into eternity; and raised, in its free enjoyment of its powers by its own enthusiasm, strengthens itself in the habitude of contemplating the noblest subjects, and of adopting the most heroic pursuits.”
Johann Georg von Zimmermann

Hope you have a stress free and relaxed day!
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