Reboot your Energy, your Brain and your Business with a Simple Recipe of Happiness!

happiness is a state of mind and a choice.

Let’s all give ourselves the recipe of success!

What is that recipe? It appears that it is happiness.

My friend Katie Irwin, from Vancouver told me about this video. It is all about a positive outlook on life. Shawn Anchor says that with positive psychology, we can reboot our brains. When we start believing in ourselves and just allowing ourselves to be happy, success will come!

So, this is great. Take a set time this week, to do something you love and allow yourself to be happy and have some fun! What do you love and haven’t done in a long time? What do you love to do and would love to do? What makes your heart sing?

Think about that and then make it happen! You will feel better and start to reboot your brain! My friend Katie, says to” write this down” and “put it on your fridge.”

“Happiness comes BEFORE success.” Ditch the stress and release it to the universe, never to return.

Breathe deeply and tell yourself that you can do it!  Focus on the present moment. Smile, it will actually trick your brain into thinking you are happy.

Allow yourself that happiness and see what comes next! It may surprise you!

Lots of love to you!



You can find out more about Nancy Addison, on



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