Choosing Quality Fresh Produce And Proper Storage For Better Budgeting

Budget Friendly Fresh Organic Produce For Optimum Health, by Nancy addison, organic healthy life

Fresh organic, non-GMO produce is part of a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. It can be a waste of money if it goes bad before we have a chance to enjoy it. Storing it properly is important. We go to the store and buy delicious-looking food. But then we get home and end up storing […]

Chromium, A Vital Nutrient For Our Health

"Diabetes And Your Diet" By Nutritionist & Chef, Nancy Addison

Chromium is a nutrient that is critical for our health and well-being. I have a lot of people have been asking me what particular Chromium GTF supplement I use, after they read my book/cookbook, “Diabetes And Your Diet.” The mineral chromium helps transport glucose from the blood to the muscles. The pancreas cannot make insulin […]

Diabetes And Your Diet – High Blood Sugar – Natural Remedies

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses natural rememdies for high blood sugar, help for diabetics and diabetes and your diet.

I was asked a very good question this month about diabetes and your diet. The question is; I am a diabetic and I was wondering if there is any natural supplement that can help me with my blood sugar levels? Answer: A body afflicted with type II diabetes has difficulty using insulin or simply does […]