The Benefits Of Hemp or CBD Oil?

CBD oil and how it may be beneficial to your health

Leading health specialist, best-selling, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses ways to obtain more optimum health. She addresses hemp oil, also known as CBD oil, healing supplements and how they affect cancer and  our health. Nancy talks about foods and daily routines that can also make a difference in health, healing, boosting the […]

Diabetes And Your Diet – High Blood Sugar – Natural Remedies

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses natural rememdies for high blood sugar, help for diabetics and diabetes and your diet.

I was asked a very good question this month about diabetes and your diet. The question is; I am a diabetic and I was wondering if there is any natural supplement that can help me with my blood sugar levels? Answer: A body afflicted with type II diabetes has difficulty using insulin or simply does […]